School News

Students Respond to Anti-AAPI Hate Crimes
By Monica Chan (VI) Over the course of the last three months, there have been a string of violent attacks and murders against members of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community across the country, bringing about deep pain and grief to their families...
Dr. Lisa Damour Delivers Pingry Carver Lecture
By Allen Wu (V) Psychologist and two-time New York Times bestselling author Dr. Lisa Damour joined Pingry for this year’s Carver Lecture Series. Her lecture tackled mental health topics like stress, self-care, and coping amidst a slowly recovering pandemic. The...
Pingry’s Annual Black History Month Assembly in the Wake of 2020
By Saniya Kamat (III) On February 5, Pingry had its annual assembly celebrating Black History Month. The preparation process for this assembly was a monumental undertaking which involved the collaborative effort of faculty, staff, families, and students. In...

A “New” Year Assembly: Pingry Celebrates Lunar New Year Virtually and In-Person
By Keira Chen (III) On February 16, the annual Lunar New Year assembly was held as a combination of pre-recorded and in-person performances in Hauser. Most students watched from their advisories, enjoying the various performances and more, as the event strived to...

Serenades Reimagined For COVID-19
By Brian Li (V) Every year, the Buttondowns and Balladeers, led by Dr. Andrew Moore and Mr. Jay Winston respectively, provide Valentine’s Day Serenades around the Upper School, as they belt romantic songs to unsuspecting individuals. However, due to the restrictions...
Inside the Minds of the Lebow Winners
By Sarah Gu (III) On February 26, students and faculty alike were enthralled by the annual Robert H. Lebow Oratorical Competition. The assembly is held by William Hetfield (‘58) and the Pingry Class of 1958 in honor of Dr. Robert Lebow. After a closed-audience...

An Inside Look at the Six LeBow Finalists
By Emma Drzala (V) As we approach the end of the winter trimester, the Pingry community finds that it is once again time for the annual Robert H. LeBow ‘58 Oratorical Competition. The contest was founded by the Pingry Class of 1958 (LeBow’s graduating class) and...

Return of Winter Sports
Hansen Zhang (III) After two weeks of Winter Break, a remote-learning week, a week-long delay in school activities, and plenty of asynchronous workouts, Pingry athletes are ready to return to the fields, courts, mats, and slopes. The Squash, Basketball, Ski, Hockey,...
Two Roads Diverged
By Zala Bhan (IV) I took part in Pingry’s “What is a Nation?” virtual Global program in December 2020, which specifically explored the history of Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia, which emerged in the aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars. Yugoslavia existed in the Balkans region...
The Drama IV Community Puts On an Assembly That Breaks Barriers
By Ashleigh Provoost (V) This year’s drama students have had to face an unparalleled level of difficulties in regards to their craft. With masks, remote classes, and social distancing, drama classes have been completely revamped to accommodate new health guidelines....

Dr. Glaude Reflects on Martin Luther King Jr.
By Anjola Olawoye (IV) Over 700 members of the Pingry community tuned into the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly virtually. Throughout the years, this esteemed Pingry tradition has hosted various speakers, performances, and even skits to honor King’s...

News Briefing Educates the Pingry Community on Events at the Capitol
By Kate Marine (III) On the morning of January 7th, Upper School students were given the opportunity to attend various processing sessions via Zoom in response to the unprecedented events that occurred at the US Capitol Building the previous day. Among these sessions...

Global Programs Go Virtual to Explore Yugoslavia
By Mirika Jambudi (IV) Over Winter Break, students were given the opportunity to participate in Pingry’s first ever virtual Global Program. Ms. Julia Dunbar, Director of Global Education and Engagement, and Dr. Megan Jones, History Department Chair, worked together to...

Pingry Processes the Capitol Riots
By Sophia Lewis (V) On January 6, supporters of President Donald Trump gathered in Washington, D.C., to protest the Congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election. Following the rally, a group of rioters stormed the Capitol Building. Four rioters and...

Club Spotlight: Humanities Center
By Emily Shen (V) It is that time of year again: the Humanities Center is now open! As the School continues to experiment with Pingry Anywhere, students are looking for the best ways to seek academic help outside of class. Although beneficial, it can be difficult and...
Club Spotlight: Competitive Programming Club
By Evan Wen (IV) This year, the Competitive Programming Club was formed to introduce Pingry computer science students to competitive programming. In competitive programming, participants are given problems that they must solve by writing programs. The club primarily...
Princeton Model Congress
By Mirika Jambudi (IV) On November 20, Pingry students participated virtually in the Princeton Model Congress (PMC), originally scheduled to be held in Washington, D.C. PMC, the oldest model congress in the country, provides students the unique opportunity to learn...
The Show Does Indeed Go On
By Sophia Lewis (V) This year, the Pingry Drama Department put on a successful Fall production, albeit in a different format due to COVID-19. Almost, Maine, by John Cariani, was picked for this year because of its format of nine small vignettes, which allowed for...
Remembering Mr. Hanly: 2020 John Hanly Lecture on Ethics and Morality
By Rohan Prabhu (V) On November 13, 2020, both in-person and remote students tuned in to watch the annual John Hanly Lecture on Ethics and Morality. With the unfortunate passing of Mr. Hanly in August, it was only proper that this year’s lecture would honor its...

Pingry Returns to Remote School
By Emily Shen (V) In early November, as the number of COVID-19 cases continued to spike in New Jersey and across the country, members of the Pingry community wondered whether the school would transition to fully remote learning. And it did. On November 13, Head of...

Form Orientations Start New School Year
By Mirika Jambudi (IV) In place of traditional class trips this year, each form in the Upper School had a special orientation day the week before school started. These orientations started with briefings on Pingry’s new safety procedures and were followed by a team...

Fall Awards Ceremony Recognizes Senior Class’ Accomplishments
By Mirika Jambudi (IV) On Wednesday, September 30, the Upper School gathered together in Hauser and over Zoom to celebrate student achievements and exceptional academic effort in the 2019-2020 school year. The ceremony started with recognizing the Form VI students who...

Pingry Anywhere Launches
By Andrew Wong (V) As a tumultuous 2019-2020 school year came to an end this past June, and the COVID-19 pandemic stretched into yet another month, many members of the Pingry community were questioning if in-person learning would be possible in September. With...

Convocation – United and Stronger than Ever
By Emily Shen (V) One of the most memorable and cherished traditions at Pingry is Convocation, a ceremony marking the school’s commitment to the Honor Code and a kick-off to the academic year. It was started in 1987 by Mr. John Hanly, the headmaster from 1987 to 2000....
Freshman Retreat Kicks Off New School Year
By Meghan Durkin (VI) This year's freshman retreat, held on Thursday, September 3, kicked off an unprecedented school year. Instead of visiting Bryn Mawr Mountain Retreat as originally planned, this year's retreat was held at Pingry to respect coronavirus guidelines....

All Pingry School news as reported by The Pingry Record. Have a story? Contact our editorial staff today!
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