Serenades Reimagined For COVID-19
By Brian Li (V) Every year, the Buttondowns and Balladeers, led by Dr. Andrew Moore and Mr. Jay...
Inside the Minds of the Lebow Winners
By Sarah Gu (III) On February 26, students and faculty alike were enthralled by the annual Robert...
Return of Winter Sports
Hansen Zhang (III) After two weeks of Winter Break, a remote-learning week, a week-long delay in...

An Inside Look at the Six LeBow Finalists
By Emma Drzala (V) As we approach the end of the winter trimester, the Pingry community finds that it is once again time for the annual Robert H. LeBow ‘58 Oratorical Competition. The contest was founded by the Pingry Class of 1958 (LeBow’s graduating class) and...
Dr. Lisa Damour Delivers Pingry Carver Lecture
By Allen Wu (V) Psychologist and two-time New York Times bestselling author Dr. Lisa Damour joined...
Pingry’s Annual Black History Month Assembly in the Wake of 2020
By Saniya Kamat (III) On February 5, Pingry had its annual assembly celebrating Black History...
A “New” Year Assembly: Pingry Celebrates Lunar New Year Virtually and In-Person
By Keira Chen (III) On February 16, the annual Lunar New Year assembly was held as a combination...

“GME To the Moon”: How Redditors Upstaged Wall Street
By Andrew Wong (V) The Wall Street Bets Reddit Community, affectionately referred to as r/WallStreetBets, proudly describes itself as “like 4Chan found a Bloomberg Terminal.” So-called YOLO (“You Only Live Once”) trades are the...

Show Me the Money: Demystifying the Pingry Endowment Fund
By Jessica Lin (VI) and Keira Chen (III) To most people, the term “endowment” elicits vague references to money and stands as a distant term reserved for larger universities. However, Pingy actually maintains an endowment fund of its own, which is more relevant to the...
What the Honor Code Means to Me
By Gia Kalro When I toured Pingry in 8th grade I was amazed – “how could kids leave their backpacks unattended all around the hallway? Was that a laptop left right out in the open, a cell phone – no way! Don’t these kids use lockers?” I knew Pingry had an...

The Power of Comebacks, Big and Small
By Meghan Durkin (VI) If you’re a golf fan like me, you spent your Super Bowl weekend watching the Waste Management Phoenix Open—and yes, the game as well. Perhaps, the biggest storyline of the tournament was an unlikely, yet familiar, name at the top of the...

On Stupid Mistakes and Stubborn Conviction
By Noah Bergam (VI) A gentle chorus of crackling leaves caught my attention on a midday walk. It was a curious, contradictory sound, a fractal hum of tiny collisions. I walked across the curb, took three steps into the edge of the icy forest, and looked for the...
Mental Health: A Relatively Overlooked Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Emily Shen (V) March 6th, 2020: the last day that Pingry students, faculty, and staff were on campus before the implementation of masks and social distancing measures, and the last day of school as we knew it. As students shared their plans for spring break and...

The James Harden Trade
By Vared Shmuler (IV) and Cayden Barrison (IV) On January 13th, the NBA community was shocked by one of the most remarkable trades in recent basketball history. The disgruntled James Harden was traded from the Houston Rockets to the Brooklyn Nets in a historic...

Amazon’s Antitrust Adversity
By Vared Shmuler (IV) Over the past several months, Amazon has experienced a prolonged period of persecution due to their alleged violation of antitrust laws. However, before diving into the subject matter, there are several questions and factors that must be...
The Direction of the Economy in 2021
By Vared Shmuler COVID-19 has had a two-faced effect on the American economy. On one hand, many small businesses and franchises have had to temporarily or permanently close their doors to their clientele; on the other, the pandemic has acted as a catalyst for an array...

Teachers Should be Included in the Early Phases of the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
By Caleb Park (IV) So far, the COVID-19 vaccine distribution in New Jersey has been a complete mess. While some people are being denied their vaccines, others have been registered twice due to system errors. Distribution centers are running out of vaccines, hotlines...

Life Lessons from the Pandemic
By Sarah Kloss (V) When reminiscing about a time before masks and social distancing, I think back to the Model UN trip right before lockdown. Actions like packing 30 kids into an elevator or gathering in groups to discuss resolutions seem almost unimaginable nearly a...
Girls’ Squash
By Brooke Pan (VI) Although Pingry athletics does look very different this year, the Girls’ Squash team is plowing forward unfazed. Led by captains Lauren Drzala (VI) and Mahek Hemani (VI), the team has put in hours of work on the courts in preparation for the season....
By Evan Wen (IV) The Pingry Wrestling team is looking forward to their season, despite the current situation regarding COVID-19. This season marks a change in leadership as Marcus Brotman (VI), Sean Lyons (VI), and Jack Martin (V) have been appointed as the new...
Boys’ Basketball
By JP Salvatore (IV) Though the Pingry boys’ basketball team’s season has been postponed due to the current pandemic, they are remaining hopeful for the upcoming season. While their first game was originally scheduled for December 12th, the recent rise of COVID cases...
Boys’ Winter Track
By Hansen Zhang (III) Although there has been a great deal of uncertainty regarding winter sports, the winter track team hopes to put another successful season in the books this year. The team is led by coach Mr. Christopher Shilts and captains Christian Collela (VI)...
2021 Lebow Oratorical Competition Excerpts
The Lebow Oratorical Competition has been a cornerstone tradition of the Pingry Upper School for decades. Unfortunately, its final round, which gets most of the attention, only as room for six speakers - which leaves many well-written speeches from the first round...

On Memes, Old and New
By Hansen Zhang (III) In 2021, Generation Z, or GenZ for short, is between 8 and 24 years old. It is fairly obvious that what separates our generation from all that have before us in human history is the fact that we have had the World Wide Web and social media at our...
Pingry Classes: More Realistic Names
By Monica Chan (VI) English 9: Angsty freshmen reading about other angsty freshmen. English 10: No one actually read Jane Eyre. Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry Honors: You thought you were good at math, didn’t you…oh well... AP Statistics: Dear Ms. Peake, can...