Monica Chan ’21

Monica Chan ‘21 is the Cartoon Editor for the Record. She has been writing for the Record since her sophomore year and joined the staff her junior year. Op-Eds are her favorite types of articles to write, since she finds it insightful to read and write about people’s life experiences. She enjoys developing her digital drawing skills doing comics for the Record, as well as building and programming robots for the Pingry Robotics Team.

Latest from Monica Chan

Students Respond to Anti-AAPI Hate Crimes

Students Respond to Anti-AAPI Hate Crimes

By Monica Chan (VI) Over the course of the last three months, there have been a string of violent attacks and murders against members of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community across the country, bringing about deep pain and grief to their families...

Pingry Classes: More Realistic Names

By Monica Chan (VI) English 9: Angsty freshmen reading about other angsty freshmen. English 10: No one actually read Jane Eyre.  Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry Honors: You thought you were good at math, didn’t you…oh well... AP Statistics: Dear Ms. Peake, can...

Friday The 13th

Friday The 13th

By Monica Chan (VI) On Friday, the thirteenth of November, I had a free period first block. My mom told me to “drive safely, it’s Friday the thirteenth.” The night before, our robot had run into a few bugs, so I decided to use my free period to go into school and try...

Kapur and Chan Bring the Freshest Bops of the College App Season

By Rhea Kapur (VI) & Monica Chan (VI) We’ve reached that dreaded first semester of senior year. While our lives seem to be drowning in the realization that we have no idea who we are (but are expected to tell colleges exactly who we are), it is difficult yet even...

New Grading Policies

By Monica Chan (V) Schools across the country are currently navigating uncharted territory in the realm of remote learning, which inevitably brings up the question of how to adjust grading policies. Some schools have decided to adopt pass/fail evaluation, some will...