Andrew Wong ’22
Andrew Wong (‘22) is the Online Editor for The Pingry Record. He first began as a writer for the Record during his Freshman year, becoming an editor during his Sophomore year. Andrew loves writing opinion and political columns covering topics ranging from the value of history and the humanities in an increasingly STEM-oriented world, to the protests in his family’s hometown of Hong Kong. In his freetime, Andrew enjoys playing the violin, playing water polo, and watching football.

Latest from Andrew Wong:

“GME To the Moon”: How Redditors Upstaged Wall Street
By Andrew Wong (V) The Wall Street Bets Reddit Community, affectionately referred to as r/WallStreetBets, proudly describes itself as “like 4Chan found a Bloomberg Terminal.” So-called YOLO (“You Only Live Once”) trades are the...

How to Regulate Social Media
By Andrew Wong (V) Over the summer, like many of my friends at Pingry, I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix, a documentary exposing the inner workings and dangers of social media and surveillance capitalism. Perhaps I was naïve at the time, but after watching the...
Ending The Uncivil War: What Joe Biden Needs to Do to Unite America
By Andrew Wong (V) On January 20, in a deserted Washington D.C. guarded by more than 25,000 National Guard soldiers, Joe Biden took the Oath of Office to become the 46th President of the United States. President Biden takes the reins of the nation in an...

After the Pandemic: The New Cold War and the Future of Liberalism
By Andrew Wong (V) In 1991, with the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, many American foreign policy scholars (most famously Harvard political scientist Francis Fukuyama) believed that the millennia of sociopolitical conflict between nation...
A Letter to Post-Election America
By Andrew Wong (V) By the time this article has been published, you will hopefully know who the next President of the United States is––either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. But does that mean months of incessant conflict will finally come to an end? As America wakes up...

Pingry Anywhere Launches
By Andrew Wong (V) As a tumultuous 2019-2020 school year came to an end this past June, and the COVID-19 pandemic stretched into yet another month, many members of the Pingry community were questioning if in-person learning would be possible in September. With...

Pingry Students Create Care-Full
By Andrew Wong (V) This past May, with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, Noah Bergam (VI), Kristin Osika (V), Eva Schiller (VI), and myself formed an organization called Care-Full to distribute PPE to underserved communities around New Jersey. With the new health...

Positivity During COVID-19
By Andrew Wong (IV)
In this time of great struggle and uncertainty in our nation, and indeed the entire world, it has become evident that it is fear, not reason, that drives the decision making of not just the two aforementioned characters, but also that of the entire world. We’ve all seen the news. Videos of people fighting over the last bag of rice at the supermarket. Lines stretching out the door of big box stores. As my friends across the world can confirm, there is not a single scrap of toilet paper to be found on store shelves anywhere. People are fearful, and it is evident that hope, just like toilet paper, is nowhere to be found.

COVID-19 Pandemic Cancels School
By Meghan Durkin (V) & Andrew Wong (IV) The novel coronavirus has forced Pingry and schools around the country to take unprecedented measures to continue their education.

The Value of Humanities in the 21st Century
By Andrew Wong (IV) Last year, my history teacher started the year with a thought experiment. He told our class, “History is irrelevant. If the only reason why we learn history is not to repeat the mistakes of the past, then in today’s world, it is useless and...

Welcome to the History Department, Mr. Toor!
Andrew Wong (IV) This year, the Upper School History Department welcomes Mr. Saad Toor, who will be teaching three sections of World History 9 and one section of World History 10. Mr. Toor recently completed his M.Sc. in South Asian Studies at Oxford University in...

Wong on Hong Kong: A Battle for Freedom
Andrew Wong (IV) As my freshman year approached its finale of final exams, I looked forward to a summer of rest and relaxation. Half a world away in Hong Kong, students were also busy preparing for their exams and their summer. Unlike me, though, they were...