By Zach Trichas ’19

With the start of the new school year, Pingry’s physics wing has been completely redone. The first floor of the wing now offers a collaborative area, with wall-mounted desks underneath the stairs. Unlike the previous stairwell, the new stairs are positioned in order to streamline traffic in the area. These stairs are wider and allow more students to be on it at one time. Next to the stairs, an elevator is currently being built.

Inside the classrooms, there have been a number of changes. Everything, including the walls, desks, chairs, and equipment have been renovated. The classic black chairs that were seen around the physics wing have been replaced by newer blue chairs that offer more flexibility. The rooms have also been restocked with new cutting-edge equipment, which will be used for labs and demonstrations. The older equipment has been moved to the hallway, where it has been placed inside glass cabinets. These now serve as mementos of Pingry’s past.

Other major changes in the physics wing include the office spaces. Before, a majority of the physics teachers were in a single room, while Mr. Drew Burns, Mrs. Jill Law, and Mr. Graham Touhey were in a smaller office that required students to walk through a classroom to get to them. Mrs. Law loves the new changes, remarking that the space “feels open and collaborative.”  Now, the offices are spread out on two seperate levels. The office on the second floor also has a new meeting room, similar to the one in the biology wing.

Returning students may also find that the English room on the second floor has been turned into a science room. Previously, this room was used by Dr. Susan Dineen, who retired last year. The room has a plethora of tools, including diagrams and models of the human body and various geological samples. These samples are for the recently added Advanced Geoscience course. The course is divided into two semesters, with one focusing on climate change and atmospheric disasters and the other focusing on tectonic disasters.

The renovations for the physics wing have been well received, with students appreciating how flexible the new space is. “I honestly think the new physics wing is great,” said Evan Taylor (VI). “It feels like there’s a lot more space, and it feels really modern.” The new community spaces and flexible classrooms promote collaboration, and are a welcome addition to the school.