Dr. Lynda Chen – Taiwanese Immigrant

Dr. Lynda Chen – Taiwanese Immigrant

For the first 14 years of my life, our family spent a month in Taiwan every summer. Whether it be the nightly chiming of the garbage truck (it usually played Fur Elise), praying at the temple five minutes down the street, or just sitting in the walls papered by my...
Course Highlights

Course Highlights

Refugee stories is a fun, educational Spring Intensive option that gives you that opportunity to learn about how refugees lived their lives. Some highlights of our course were trying amazing new foods, visiting towns/cities such as Brighton Beach, South Patterson, and...
Field Trip to Paterson

Field Trip to Paterson

Paterson, New Jersey often gets a bad reputation because of its high crime rate, and the immense amount of poverty within the city. However, when visiting Paterson, people fail to mention the strong sense of culture within the city. The area that our intensive visited...

Interview with “Nanou”

Suzanne Schmitz Lear grew up in Brussels, Belgiumhas an older brother, Stephanvery strict upbringing, parents focused on her brothereducation was much more difficult in Belgium compared to the UStop of her classmaiden name is Schmitz“If a school is filled with stupid...
Interviewing an Immigrant: Anthony Ricci

Interviewing an Immigrant: Anthony Ricci

About Anthony Ricci Anthony immigrated from Italy to Mexico in 1996. He left his home country after personal issues with the Italian government. He moved to Mexico to stay with some friends he had who lived there, later on wanting to move to the United States to...
Immigrant interview

Immigrant interview

By Koye Odunlami (All of this is paraphrased a bit) This is an interview with my mom who is a Nigerian immigrant. She came to the United States in the mid-1990s to become a lawyer. She works with many immigrants as a lawyer and manages her own law firm. What was your...