Cake Review in Brighton Beach

Cake Review in Brighton Beach

We stopped at a Russian bakery shop in Brighton Beach, Koye and I purchased a very nice chocolate cake. We consumed and thoroughly the chocolate cake. Yum. I highly recommend this cake if you ever stop at a Russian bakery. Overall a 9.6352 / 10.
Little Myanmar Food Review

Little Myanmar Food Review

I had the Fried Noodles with seafood dish at the Little Myanmar restaurant for lunch. The dish included many types of seafoods, vegetables, and fried noodles. It was very enjoyable and I would definitely order the dish again if I ever went back. Overall 8.7235 / 10...
Course Highlights

Course Highlights

Refugee stories is a fun, educational Spring Intensive option that gives you that opportunity to learn about how refugees lived their lives. Some highlights of our course were trying amazing new foods, visiting towns/cities such as Brighton Beach, South Patterson, and...
Interviewing an Immigrant: Anthony Ricci

Interviewing an Immigrant: Anthony Ricci

About Anthony Ricci Anthony immigrated from Italy to Mexico in 1996. He left his home country after personal issues with the Italian government. He moved to Mexico to stay with some friends he had who lived there, later on wanting to move to the United States to...
Misleading COVID-19 Test Numbers

Misleading COVID-19 Test Numbers

This Argentina graph shows the number of COVID-19 tests per million people. In the graph, the bar shows that Argentina tests almost as many people as the USA, even though there is a 6670 million number difference. The graph makes Argentina look like their testing...