Brighton Beach

Brighton Beach

Brighton Beach is a cultural hub with many Russian speaking people. There are so many fresh markets and pharmacies, and the city life is very different from the suburbs we are used to. The restaurant we visited had so many authentic meals, it was hard to pick which...

Interview with “Nanou”

Suzanne Schmitz Lear grew up in Brussels, Belgiumhas an older brother, Stephanvery strict upbringing, parents focused on her brothereducation was much more difficult in Belgium compared to the UStop of her classmaiden name is Schmitz“If a school is filled with stupid...
Trip to New York – Food Reveiw

Trip to New York – Food Reveiw

These noodles were so good! The dragon berry juice was also a new food we tried at the restaurant. Shaan really liked the juice. This was where we ate after our visit to the Tenement Museum. It’s called Little Myanmar and offered a variety of traditional...

Misleading Graph

This graph is misleading because a) it doesn’t have a label for the y axis, and b) the graph makes the difference between Democrats and Republicans/Independents seem much larger when in reality, it’s only a 14% difference. Having different number marks...