Suzanne Schmitz Lear
- grew up in Brussels, Belgium
- has an older brother, Stephan
- very strict upbringing, parents focused on her brother
- education was much more difficult in Belgium compared to the US
- top of her class
- maiden name is Schmitz
- “If a school is filled with stupid kids, it’s boring.”
- didn’t come with the intention of staying
- came to America with a green card
- wanted independence and to experience American culture
- never heard of marijuana before coming to the US
- all her education credits transferred, but after getting married Nanou wanted to finish a degree and she was advised to become a teacher
- she wanted to continue her schooling
- studied at Montclair State and got her teaching license, and then years later just after having kids she got her MBA from Rutgers
- Fell in love with my grandpa so she decided to stay
- They met in a bar a few months after she came to America
- Came when she was 20
- Had learned British English but the accent change from what she learned was shocking
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