Grandparents :

We lived in Haiti for a great portion of our lives and then when we boar 5 children we immigrated over to the United states in 1986.  we moved into a house big enough to fit 5 troublesome kids. After that they found jobs so they could support their children and so they would buy and keep the things they wanted. Our children lived it their but it was hard for us because we had to learn a new language which was the hardest thing to learn. Your mom (aka my mom) was born in the united states and she first learned english but she then learned Hatian Creole so she can then be part of that language. And during this time of immigration we still practiced our normal traditions and our culture. Foods which were very delicious.

Motivation For Migrating:

  • What was yours (or your parents)?

My grandma and Grandpa came to the United States for a better life for her children so they didn’t have to face the hardships of their children living in Haiti.

  • What were your (or your parents) hopes or expectations for your new life here?

They wanted to make sure their children had a better life experience then they did so they didn’t have to face the same problems and struggles that she had to go through. Their expectations where very different from other parents because they didn’t want their children to ruin their names or look foolish because they have just immigrated into a new place so they wanted the best for their children.

  • Why did you choose to come to this country/community instead of somewhere else?

They chose to come to this country because they saw that there were a lot of opportunities for their children (and them ) to thrive and do their best in the new society/ community they lived in. Even though they faced many hardships like descrimination they still made it through and they lived a better life than they would have in haiti.

Hopes and Realities-

  • As time has passed, how does your experience compare to what you expected?

Their experience compared to what they thought were very similar to what they thought. In fact they lived the life they wanted but it could have been better but because of some boundaries they couldn’t move further towards their dream.

  • What have been your biggest challenges?

Their biggest challenges were the language barrier because they only spoke hatian creole and they had to learn english in order to communicate with others. Another barrier was housing and the lack of employment opportunities. This was a major challenge because they had 5 children to take care of and they would need jobs and housing so they can support for them and so they can gather money so they can get to at least the middle class, so they would get closer to their dreams.

  • What have been your greatest sources of joy

Their greatest sources of  joy were being with their family and playing games with each other and just knowing that their children are having fun and using their time wisely so they can get to the dreams they really want, in their near futures.