The 2022 film, “The Swimmers”, depicts two Syrian sisters, and their journey as they flee their war-torn home in Damascus, in hopes of seeking asylum in Europe. All while enduring this journey, youngest sister, Yusra Mardini, remains dedicated to her longtime goal: becoming a Syrian olympic swimmer. During their journey, the girls, as well as many others, departed Syria by plane, arrived in Turkey, and aimed to reach Greece by crossing the Aegean Sea. From there, they would then travel through the entirety of Greece, Serbia, Hungary, and finally, Austria, before reaching Germany, and gaining the status of “refugee.” Once successful, and settled in Germany, Yusra begins to refocus on her lifelong goal her father instilled deep within her: qualifying for the Olympic Team. With the help of a German coach, and almost-Olympian, Sven Spannekrebs, Yusra is able to attend the 2016 Rio Olympics on the Olympic Refugee Team. Based on a true story, the movie does an excellent job outlining the indescribable circumstances the Mardini girls endured for asylum, while adding an element of familiarity (dedication to athletics) for the audience.