1. What does being an immigrants mean to you?

“I felt as an immigrant for the first 3 years then the feeling started to fade. I’m proud to be an immigrant coming into a country by myself without support from my family. I built myself from the ground and I respect every immigrant because it’s a very brave decision to make in life”.

2. What would you say was an important part of keeping your culture alive when you came to the US?

“Family abroad and communication helps me to stay connected with traditions. Also, Russian areas like Brighton Beach helps with food supply which is a big cultural influence”.

3. Was it a choice to immigrate to the US or was it the only option country-wise?

“I did not decide to immigrate at first because I wanted to work abroad to make money since I craved a change and more opportunities which I didn’t see in my country. I started realizing the limitations in choices of career and growth. The tax system impossibility to grow as far as you want killed us as I was running my own business. It really did not support enterprises. So, I got a job at Carnival Cruise Lines, but it took me almost a year of preparations and interviews and visas to come to the US. But, after a year of working at CCL I already knew I wanted to stay. But I needed a plan so I completed two years with the company, then resigned, then stayed in New York where I enrolled in college after three months”.

4. What circumstances caused you to leave your country?

“Similar to what I said before, the taxation system and the limitations it put on us and our business. But there was really no variety in careers and development and I wanted so much more than that”.

5. Was there anything meaningful to you that you had to leave behind in your home country?

“No. I miss my family but they all have their families now. They’re all busy with their lives. I never miss my country. I would love to visit as I’m proud of my Russian nationality. Only thing I regret is not being able to see my father and grandparents who died while I was here. I was not able to be by them at their last moments and regret not calling or talking to them more often. For this, I have a burden in my heart. I’m proud of our history and people but I do not wish to go back. My home is here and my achievements are here”.