I interviewed my Grandpa, so this is his immigration story from Lebanon to the US and then finally to Mexico. 

When my grandpa was 5 years old and living in Bolivia, his mother passed away, so his father took him back to Lebanon, which is where he grew up. My grandpa stayed there until he was 17 did most of his schooling (high school) in Lebanon. He graduated high school with honours and was even mentioned in the newspaper because he was a straight A student with a very high average. When my grandpa was around 17, he wanted to leave Lebanon because of the war and felt that after high school was the right time for him to immigrate to the US. He immigrated from Lebanon to the US by boat and he ended up in Tennessee. He then went to college in the US but in the beginning it was hard for him because he had to have weird jobs, like painting houses, in order to be able to make a living. During this time, his half brother became ambassador of Mexico. Now that his half brother was a diplomat, he could have family move to Mexico to live there, so my grandpas half brother asked my grandpa and his brothers is they wanted to move to Mexico. All of them said no because they liked their lives in the US, except for my grandpa. He went to Mexico and loved it there, so he decided to stay there and finish his college years there. After college he ended up being very successful in his work and continued to live in Mexico. He is now a full Mexican citizen and still lives in Mexico to this day.