The UNHCR infographic presents a detailed picture of the displacement crisis affecting West and Central Africa, revealing that 13.4 million people are forcibly displaced or stateless. The map identifies specific regions with the highest displacement rates, including Nigeria, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic, highlighting areas where conflict, violence, and persecution are most severe. The infographic also shows key figures for each country, indicating the number of refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and returnees.

A bar graph on the left side of the image illustrates the shocking trend of increasing displacement from 2013 to 2023. The graph reveals a steady rise in the number of IDPs, refugees, and stateless persons, with a significant surge observed in recent years. The chart’s colors show the different categories of displaced persons, making it clear how the numbers have evolved over the past decade.

The infographic’s overall visual data emphasizes the urgent need for increased civilized assistance and comprehensive strategies to address the root causes of displacement. It also calls for durable solutions for the millions affected by ongoing regional conflicts and crises. The UNHCR aims to bring attention to these critical issues and mobilize international support to reduce the suffering of displaced populations in West and Central Africa.