By Alex Villarin (VI)

David Purdue

  • Incumbent (in office since 2015)
  • Won last race in 2014 52.9% to 45.2%
  • A frequent supporter of President Trump. Bills himself as an outsider and businessman rather than a career politician
  • Favors lowering taxes and regulations to stimulate job growth. Pro-Israel. Favors term limits on members of Congress. Pro-2nd Amendment. Anti-abortion.
  • Fivethirtyeight gives him a 70% chance of winning but he is only up by ~3% points over his rival

Jon Ossof

  • 33-year-old media executive from Georgia
  • Previously ran in 2017 to represent Georgia’s 6th Congressional District and raised over 23 million dollars but was defeated by Republican Karen Handel
    • Most expensive House race in US History
  • Won primary with 52.5% of the vote
  • In favor of strengthening the Affordable Care Act, increasing social welfare, moving to clean energy, Pro-choice
  • Fivethirtyeight gives him a 30% chance of winning but he is only down by ~3% points