What are the midterm elections? Those lawn signs mean something? Who cares? I can’t even pronounce some of their names. All valid questions, so let’s break down what the 7th Congressional District election between Leonard Lance, the Republican incumbent, and Tom Malinowski, the Democrat, exactly means. Just for a refresher, the House of Representatives is the part of Congress where the representation is based on state population. New Jersey has 12 districts, 5 are Republican, and 7 are Democratic. More Republicans than you would think right?


Pingry is in the 7th congressional district which encompasses Essex, Union, Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, and Warren. In this district, the Republican candidate is Leonard Lance who has held this seat since 2008. In the past, Lance has won with a comfortable lead, but the Democrats have a powerful opponent in their corner, Tom Malinowski, (proceeds to auto-correct because I still cannot spell his last name right)  who will give Lance a run for his money. Although this is Malinowski’s first time running for House, he has a strong resume in politics. A human rights activist, Rhodes Scholar, immigrant, staff in Obama Administration, are just a few factors proving that Malinowski is one of the most qualified democrats to have a fighting chance against Lance.


In a political climate strung with such polarity and tension between the Democrats and Republicans, the House majority will be crucial in dictating how the government functions. Right now, there is a Republican majority by 23 seats. With a total of 435 seats in Congress, the New York Times says that there are 72 highly competitive races. Of that 72 seats which can flip, 30 are toss-ups, meaning the outcome will ultimately come down to who decides to get up on Tuesday morning and share their voice. The 7th district is a toss-up, and both candidates are racing head-on to the finish line with Spotify ads interrupting your music, tv commercials attacking each other, and canvassers knocking on doors in the rain, wind, and freezing weather. The outcome of this midterm election could very well be the seat which can #FliptheHouse.


Zara Jacob